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Wednesday 10 September 2008

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I am a total Bibliophile and no matter how many book
cases you give me, I can fill it up. I'm dedicating this
post to the home library. I absolutely adore the library
above. The curtain gives a nice pop of color and you
can draw the curtain if you want a nice clean "wall".

This room is from Apartment Therapy. I love
the color of the walls and the way the owners
opted for low book cases for a modern look.

Here's a great idea for the magazine lover.
Stack the magazines horizontally in neat

Tracy Garet's amazing home includes this
floor to ceiling, huge built in book case. It's
basically her wall and she hangs artwork
on it as well.

A more modern rendition of the home library. The tables
and chairs in the room make it feel like a true library.

Beautiful shelving in black with covered cabinets
below to store items. Love the nailheads on the door!

I thought this was an interesting built in book
case since it's built right up into the vaulted

Shelving with covered glass gives a more polished
and sophisticated look while protecting the books
from dust and other microbes.

Can you believe Karl Lagerfield's mountain of books?

I found this lovely photo from Ma Belle.
The extremely high ceilings really caught
my eye. I would LOve to have this kind
of library only...I'm afraid of heights...

A more traditional library or living room.
Proof that one can live without the TV!

I always thought bookshelves built around door frames
that spanned walls were a very clever use of space. It
also lends to a more eclectic look and homey look.

Another more traditional library at home.

And for all of you romantics, this is the home library
for you. Hope you've enjoyed the tour.

If you love books and libraries, this is my
recommendation available from Amazon.
It's truly a beautiful book filled with gorgeous
libraries around the world.


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