Some of you may already have these two books, but for those
of you who do not ~ I consider the following 2 books to be a
staple in any design library. We'll start with SO Chic which
showcases some seriously gorgeous homes. There are some
design books that you will get that only have some "gems" in
them. So Chic is one of the exceptions with eye candy through
out the whole book. The book is very well edited.
Uniformity has been achieved by painting and
upholstering all of the different chairs in solid
eclectic living room. The lights are very fun as well as the
caramel tufted block used as a coffee table.

Glamorous Lives, Stylish Spaces

2 copies of this book (Domino Decorating Book) -
but I loved it so much that I kept both copies.
One to reference and the other to keep nice.

gorgeous rooms in this book.

showcases gorgeous rooms and looks, but has instruction
on how to achieve the look in each room.

A Room-by-Room Guide to Creating
a Home that Makes You Happy
This is seriously a staple and great for also
seeing examples of different styles. The
rooms are fun and sophisticated.

Decorating with America's Best Designers
This book is another staple. The rooms
in it are refined and showcase an array
of different spaces and homes done by
top designers in America.

I really loved this book for the character
and personality in each designer's home
it showcased. Each home was brilliantly
done according to very different tastes and
styles according to the designer. I think the
book is a great deal of fun.
What are you favorite Design Books? Please
do share - I'd love to know.
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