black rooms...I even painted my guest bathroom black.
This was after I lost the battle at home to paint the guest
bedroom black. Granted, it's not the usual color to paint
a bedroom or any room for that matter - but black as a
room color can definitely work. Take the above room for
instance, who would ever think of pairing this ornate bed
with black lacquered walls? But it works and to me it's
glam and chic with an edge.
This was after I lost the battle at home to paint the guest
bedroom black. Granted, it's not the usual color to paint
a bedroom or any room for that matter - but black as a
room color can definitely work. Take the above room for
instance, who would ever think of pairing this ornate bed
with black lacquered walls? But it works and to me it's
glam and chic with an edge.

black walls and ceiling. It's actually pretty neat. Even the
bench, rug and door frame is painted black. The gray flooring
and white bedding give some contrast to an otherwise very
black room.

The white desk and white bed linens help temper this space.

statement without painting the entire room black.

other bright colors where it can really make a color pop.

fantastic stationary and we share a common penchant
for the union jack. Isn't her bedroom cool?

about you but I don't see many kitchen walls and ceilings
painted black - but this really seems to work. Painting
kitchen walls and cabinets with chalkboard paint has also
been popular lately. You can achieve a similar affect with it
and have the benefit of being able to use the wall as a
chalkboard - pretty nifty if you ask me.

in any room. It can also make a room feel cozy
like this great lounging space where the wall
disappears into the ceiling.

and be a great neutral color.

an all black bathroom - even the door
is black.

bathroom really make for a swanky and high
end bathroom. Can't forget the lacquered walls
for some shine and glam.

walls are in this bathroom. The single yellow
chair in this room really creates visual interest.
My Favorite and My Best has a great post on the
black rooms and walls in her home. Definitely
check it out.
What do you think of painting a room black?
Would you dare?
A big thank you to Terri Sapienza for featuring
this post in the Washington Post Home section.
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