to downsize. Smaller places means easier upkeep and it usually
means a cheaper mortgage as well. For the rest of us who live
in cities, it's a way of life. It's amazing what you can do in a tiny
space if you design it correctly and waste no space.
The above apartment is well laid out to maximize the space
available. It still looks elegant and the space is still functional.

room - yet the owner was brilliant in utilizing the space .

to make the space look spacious despite the fact the
studio is clearly not very big.

looks so different from the before - it's absolutely fab!

what to do with? Don't waste it! Put it to work for
you whether you make it into shelves for storage or
an extra bed for guests like here! As you can see, you
can usually be pretty bold in your color choices for small

a great way to hide storage instead of doors since they
do not need to swing out and take up space.

separate space for you to use underneath the bed.

Using a low one in this fashion actually creates more
storage space without needing to take up wall space.

a small closet. But it's big enough for a good work space.

utilize space and space saving techniques. Notice the
sliding doors for the bedroom. Sliding doors definitely
save space as they do not need to swing out or in.

bed in the bedroom is right up against the sliding doors.

in "shoebox spaces." She's an interior design student who
especially loves designing small spaces. Be sure to check
her blog out at ShoeBox Decor. She did a post on a the
small spaces Metropolitan Home design contest.

Easy Solutions for living in 1,000 Sq Ft or Less
And of course, being the book fiend that I am.
here are a couple of books to check out on small
spaces. This book has great tips and ideas for living
in small spaces.

Secrets for Making any Room Look Elegant
and Feel Spacious on a Budget
Libby Langdon's book has great ideas that
incorporate elegance into small spaces.

I actually picked up this book over the weekend
while I was perusing in the SF Moma gift shop.
Believe me, I can peruse for a very Long time in
museum gift shops. This book focuses on tons of
ideas and different spaces in a modern context and
style for living in small spaces. If you like modern
design and live in small space, I definitely recommend
this book.
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