Ahh Paris. The scene above looks so lovely.
hotel in Paris. The hotel has 56 individually decorated rooms -
each with different designs. I just love all of the green on the
facade of this building.

word and calligraphy. One of their suites is
decorated with super sized historical documents.
Cool isn't it?
and whimsical. However, each of the rooms and suites
are individually decorated so you never know what you'll
As this hotel is in Paris, the rates are a bit steep starting
at 380 Euros per night. If you're interested, definitely
check out their website here.

Paris has a lot of really charming and beautiful
boutique hotels. I've got 3 recommendations on
books that give some great suggestions - all with
beautiful photos and all of the pertinent information.

And if you notice on the cover of this book of
chic hotels in Paris - it is none other than a suite
at Pavillon de la Reine. I just picked this book
up over the weekend. All of them are great
resource books - if not just to look at the photos
of the different hotels!
Photos from Pavillon de la Reine,
Sherman's Travel mag, and Amazon
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