back. Well placed wallpaper in the right pattern and colors
can definitely give some pizazz to any room. I hardly ever
see wall paper used that is black - I must say that it is pretty

you have such a vivid color in wallpaper such as this green.
It really brings the color and pattern to life - it's also not
a bad idea to use this idea if you want wallpaper in a
bathroom or kitchen.

this wallpaper is actually stunning. It's sort of a
golden rod color with a loose and gorgeous floral
pattern it. It's stunning.

I can just see this pattern and color in a kimono.

Periwinkle blue ^_^

word and so this is right down my alley.

match so perfectly. The floral arrangement
really further brings out the contrast of the
How about you? Would you consider using
wallpaper for your walls?
Photos from Domino, Deco Detective and more
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