And of course the French Salons of Laduree. There are 4 Laduree salons in Paris. Laduree Bonaparte, Laduree Royale, Laduree au Grand Magasin du Printemps, and Laduree Champs Elysees. Laduree Royale is the original tea salon created in 1862.

Laduree Bonaparte's beautiful window display.

Gorgeous fabrics and furnishings again in this salon.

Laduree Champs Elysees' Entrance.

The Champs Elysees' salon has beautifully appointed
rooms in the luxurious classic French style.

Laduree au Grand Magasin du Printemps has a unique look.

Doesn't it make you want to visit all of their salons?
Fabulous decor, gorgeous and to die for pastries. What
more would any girl want?

Laduree Bonaparte's beautiful window display.

Gorgeous fabrics and furnishings again in this salon.

Laduree Champs Elysees' Entrance.

The Champs Elysees' salon has beautifully appointed
rooms in the luxurious classic French style.

Laduree au Grand Magasin du Printemps has a unique look.

Doesn't it make you want to visit all of their salons?
Fabulous decor, gorgeous and to die for pastries. What
more would any girl want?
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